Tribobond™ 55 – new coating for vacuum and dry gas environments
Ionbond presents Tribobond™ 55, developed specifically for vacuum and dry gas environments!

In the last 20 to 30 years, diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings have established themselves as an excellent means to dramatically improve wear resistance and reduce friction in tribological contacts.
The friction reduction helps to decrease wear and has other benefits, such as improving efficiency by minimizing friction losses or lowering the temperature in the contact zone. But for dry and vacuum conditions, more is needed. Ionbond engineers have developed a specialty DLC coating, which addresses these applications.

Coatings that support the growing hydrogen economy and more
The demand for surface solutions applicable to dry and vacuum conditions has grown over the years. Industries are adapting vacuum for new semi-conductor processes, preparing for the use of hydrogen as a green fuel and requiring more robust solutions for pumps and valves operating in dry gas environment. While the remarkable properties of DLC shine in many environments, they may become compromised in these dry gas or vacuum environments.
In these environments, it is not uncommon for the coefficient of friction to become even higher than that of uncoated materials. The problem is that humidity/water vapour are partially responsible for ‘passivating’ fresh DLC material, which is exposed when wear occurs. If no or too little vapour is present, the fresh DLC surface remains active, ultimately leading to increased friction and wear. In order to overcome this, the DLC composition has to be modified, to provide an ‘internal source’ for keeping the surface energy low and, consequently, the friction too.

Proprietary recipe for extremely low friction in dry and vacuum conditions
With our Tribobond™ 55 coating, Ionbond engineers have created a customized DLC layer which exhibits an extremely low coefficient of friction in most dry and vacuum environments. Tribobond™ 55 helps reduce wear and energy losses related to friction. The new coating has undergone extensive testing in laboratory settings and in selected applications, and has already been applied to a number of commercial parts.
Interested? The Ionbond engineers would be happy to discuss your application to see if Tribobond™ 55 is the right solution for you.
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Dr. Val Lieberman
Responsable du segment mondial Composants