Ready to learn more about Ionbond’s duplex coating solutions?
Download our comprehensive technical presentation, including fundamentals, illustrative examples and real case studies of our duplex coatings in use at Ionbond’s clients.

Ionbond’s duplex coatings
We hope that our recent articles and interviews about Ionbond’s new duplex coating capabilities have sparked your curiosity, and that you’ve been thinking about how we can help you enhance the performance and durability of your forming and molding tools. If so, let’s dive straight into the technical detail! Ionbond’s duplex coating experts have put together a comprehensive document – including exclusive case studies – with a wide range of detailed information about the performance of our duplex coatings.
The presentation includes:
All put together, this document proves the benefits of plasma nitriding and duplex coatings in forming and molding tools applications. Let our technical information speak for itself. Download below our case study presentation today and expand your knowledge about the potential of plasma nitriding and duplex coatings.
Background information and fundamentals of plasma nitriding technology
Advantages of plasma nitriding over gas nitriding
Overview of suitable steel grades that can be treated by plasma nitriding
Illustrative examples of plasma-nitrided steels and duplex coatings based on Ionbond’s coating portfolio
Learnings about the unique properties of duplex coatings in terms of impact fatigue resistance
Results from Ionbond’s customers who use our duplex coatings in their serial production
Études de cas
Revêtements duplex pour les outils de formage et de moulage
Téléchargez les études de cas pour avoir un aperçu et découvrir la puissance des revêtements Duplex de Ionbond et améliorer la performance et la productivité de vos outils de formage et de moulage.
39 pages | 30 minutes bien utilisées