Major capacity increases at Ionbond Greensboro

Good news for customers in the USA and Canada: Ionbond has invested in its facility in Greensboro, doubling its capacity for decorative PVD coatings. The new machines not only increased the plant's overall coating capacity, but also its coating portfolio, including the color selection of decorative coatings.

Serving the needs of our customers in all sectors

Good news for customers in the US and Canada: Ionbond has been investing in its Greensboro plant, doubling the capacity for decorative PVD coatings. This way, Ionbond Greensboro is perfectly positioned to serve the needs of our customers in all sectors.

New extra-large volume PVD coating machine

New robotic cleaning line

Additional large decorative PVD coating machine from a other Ionbond coating center

Deco Team with New Cleaning Line

A coating provider with the right experience and qualifications

Ionbond Greensboro welcomes customers from all sectors. The decorative and sports segments make up the largest share of work, followed by automotive and general industrial components. The plant carries several important certifications: AS 9100D and ISO9001:2015 for aerospace, and the FFL license and an ITAR registration for firearms. Ghulam Husnain, Plant Manager, says: “Our customers operate in very demanding sectors, so they expect us to deliver exceptional quality as well. We are happy to deliver that quality – for a wide variety of products, and at high throughput.”

Image: Ionbond Greensboro Deco Team with new cleaning line

Packing and Inspection Team

More flexibility for decorative coatings

The new machines at Ionbond Greensboro not just increased the plant’s total coating capacity, but also its coating portfolio, including the color selection of decorative coatings. Ghulam: “We carry the full Tribobond™ DLC portfolio, consisting of Tribobond™ 40, 41 and 42. We also offer most of the Ionbond Decosport coatings, now with a wider color range. For instance, we’ve just qualified a dark black coating on the new machine. In addition, we have gold and yellow colors, plus black chromium-based coatings.” Ionbond is also in the process of developing three additional colors: brown, blue and green.

Image: Ionbond Greensboro Packaging & Inspection Team

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New State of the Art Coating Machine for Decosports parts
The new machine is a large, state-of-the-art of this hybrid machine, with all the options

says Ron Dielis, Global Segment Manager Deco/Sports/Luxury. “The machine from the other location is also a hybrid machine, with both sputter and arc capacity. Together, they’ve given us more flexibility and redundancy in running the customers’ products.”

IMG 8597

Ron Dielis

Responsable du segment mondial Déco/Sports/Luxe

Great quality and turnaround time for all sectors

Ionbond Greensboro also invested in a completely new cleaning line, to replace an obsolete one. This new cleaning line features constant monitoring of the chemicals, which increases the precision of the cleaning and is expected to lead to better quality. Other features:

Ultrasonic capability


Increased drying capacity

Increased throughput

GB Leadership Team

Soon, they are also starting improvements to the general building infrastructure, to come to a leaner manufacturing process.

Ghulam: “With these improvements, our goal is a further boost to our first-time-yield and a faster turnaround time for our customers. We are already accepting more high-volume orders, and once all the new machinery is online, we will have capacity to do even more. The new technology also allows us to accommodate new applications, and we’re looking forward to working with our customers and our engineering team to come up with the best PVD and DLC coating solution.”

Image: Ionbond Greensboro Leadership Team


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Regardez notre nouvelle vidéo d'entreprise !

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