Ionbond Germany now offers Tetrabond™ Plus

Tetrabond® Plus is now offered at Ionbond Germany's Saxony facility. This tool coating is ideal for machining non-ferrous materials, including aluminum alloys, copper alloys, plastics, and composite materials, making it particularly valuable for applications in the aerospace and automotive industries.

Outils de coupe Plastiques, graphite et composites Non-ISO

Answering growing demand from German & EU customers

After enormous success in UK, USA and Asia, Tetrabond Plus is now available at Ionbond Germany’s plant in Saxony. This answers the growing demand from German and EU customers for this advanced diamond-like carbon (DLC) coating, which has a diamond (sp3) content of up to 80%. Tetrabond Plus is the tool coating of choice for machining non-ferrous materials, such as aluminum alloys, copper alloys, plastics and composite materials, that are used in various applications including the aerospace and automotive industries. Ionbond Germany offers this coating to support the innovative manufacturing companies in Germany and EU countries, who will benefit from the increased cutting performance and tool longevity that Tetrabond Plus offers. Ionbond Germany is a trusted tool coating service provider with 20 years of experience, backed by the expertise of Ionbond worldwide.

Tetrabond Plus Tools - G/T

Innovative components benefit from difficult-to-machine materials

Wolfgang Strasky, Sales Engineer, explains the rise of non-ferrous metals: “Many industries have a requirement to save weight, so classic alloys and steels are being replaced by more lightweight materials, including carbon-based composite, carbon fiber, glass fiber and laminated or honeycomb materials. This supports the worldwide drive for lower CO2 emissions, and United Nations Development goals such as good health and a sustainable environment. However, machining non-ferrous materials requires different coatings. That’s where Tetrabond Plus excels.

Dr. Kalpak Shaha, Global Segment Manager Cutting Tools, adds: “Non-ferrous materials are often difficult to machine due to their high ductility and low melting temperatures. For example, aluminum has the tendency to stick to the cutting edge, resulting in built-up material which leads to high friction and wear during machining. In addition, high-alloyed aluminum is highly abrasive, which also limits the tool life. Thus, the coating requirements for machining of non-ferrous materials are high hardness, strong adhesion and high thermal stability, plus a high non-stick factor.

Tetrabond™ Plus, a hard, tough, durable coating

Ionbond developed Tetrabond Plus with our proprietary advanced arc technology. Kalpak adds: “It’s a hydrogen-free DLC coating, known as tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) with a coating thickness range of 0.5 – 2.5 µm. With a hardness of >5000 Hv, it is harder than almost all other coatings and possesses low affinity towards non-ferrous materials. The thin, smooth, and extremely hard coating helps your tools maintain maximum cutting edge sharpness. Its high hardness, high thermal stability, very low coefficient of friction, and anti-sticking properties make Tetrabond Plus excellent against adhesion and abrasion wear, for considerable improvement of tool lifetime during machining of non-ferrous alloys.

With its extremely high hardness, a thick Tetrabond™ Plus coating (approx. 2.0 – 2.5 µm) can be used as alternative to chemical vapor deposition (CVD) diamond coatings.

Very interesting coating for machining carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer composite materials used in the aerospace industry.

Can be applied to HSS, cemented carbide and brazed tools, regardless of geometry.

Tools with this coating can be resharpened and recoated to make the best use of expensive cutting tools.

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Ionbond Cutting Tools Portrait
We’re very happy with Tetrabond™ Plus as an addition to the Ionbond Germany coating portfolio.

says Niklas Arend, Country Manager for Germany. “Machining non-ferrous metals can be very challenging. Our version of ta-C shines because of its very smooth surface, requiring no post-coating treatment. A Tetrabond Plus coating is a worthwhile investment in improving cost efficiency and product quality.”

Niklas Arend

Responsable pays et chef de produit Laser Allemagne

Ionbond Germany: your partner for cutting tool coatings

Ionbond Germany will have a coating machine fully dedicated to providing Tetrabond Plus coatings, which allows for very short lead times of less than 5 days. “We aim to offer our customers the best service,” says Wolfgang. “With our new machine up and running, we will increase the capacity for high-quality ta-C coatings in Germany significantly. Our pick-up and delivery service operates in a large region of the country, and we’re looking forward to serving our current and future customers with this high-quality coating.”

Contact us to get on the sampling list!

Tetrabond Plus will be available from April onwards. Are you a tool manufacturer or regrinder and are you interested in seeing the improvements a Tetrabond Plus coating can bring to your tools? Feel free to get in touch below for sampling and order planning.


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