IHI Corporation

IHI Corporation (IHI) was established as Ishikawajima Shipyard in 1853. Since then, IHI have evolved into a comprehensive heavy-industry manufacturer, with the aim to contribute to social progress by relentlessly pursuing technological excellence and cultivating advanced engineering capabilities.

IHI square
IHI Group Realize your dreams white square

We specialize in four main areas: Resource, Energy & Environment; Social Infrastructure & Offshore Facilities; Industrial Systems & General-purpose Machinery; and Aero Engine, Space & Defense.

IHI acquired Ionbond in 2012, as part of the next step in building IHI’s worldwide framework of machinery and job-coating products and services for their global customer base.

Today, IHI has been working together with Ionbond and IHI’s subsidiary IHI Hauzer Techno Coating B.V. (Hauzer) to provide a comprehensive portfolio of services in both metal and non-metal applications. This furthers IHI’s ambition to become a global leader in the growing markets of heat treatment and thin-film technology.

Business Unit Partners

Ionbond is part of the Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering business unit of the IHI group. The business unit is active in providing Services for coating (Ionbond) and Heat treatment (IHI VTN) as well as providing Equipment; CVD, CVA and CVI by IHI Bernex, PVD and PACVD by IHI Hauzer Techno Coating, and Heat Treatment equipment by IHI Machinery and Furnace Company.


Hauzer Techno Coating

Ionbond’s sister company Hauzer Techno Coating, located in Venlo, the Netherlands, has served the market with specialized PVD and PACVD coating equipment since 1983.

As a leader in arc evaporation, magnetron sputtering and plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition technologies, Hauzer Techno Coating is your partner of choice for industry-proven PVD and PACVD coating equipment.

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IHI Bernex

IHI Bernex, a Hauzer daughter company within the IHI Group, offers systems for a wide range of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technologies, including chemical vapor aluminizing (CVA) and chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) with solid metalorganic precursors (MOCVD). Bernex CVD systems set the worldwide industry standard in CVD enhancement of wear, friction and temperature protection of tools and components. Bernex is renowned worldwide for their expertise in developing proprietary coatings and the reliability of their machines in the past 45 years.

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VTN Logo 2024


IHI VTN is a heat treatment specialist operating 5 heat treatment centers in Germany. VTN has been hardening materials since 1950, all the time working to ensure that components and machines are able to withstand the heaviest loads and greatest resistances. As a NADCAP-certified heat treatment center, VTN also enjoys the trust of the aerospace industry.

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IHI IMS Vacuum Furnaces Logo

IHI Machinery and Furnace Company

IHI Machinery and Furnace Company (IMS) is a top tier supplier of vacuum furnaces and vacuum degreasing equipment with more than 2000 installations world-wide and a leader in vacuum carburizing based on patented technology utilizing acetylene gas.

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In fact, the combination of Ionbond’s process engineering and extensive coating service network, coupled with Hauzer’s design engineering excellence for coating machinery, has led to many innovations and advantages for customers of both companies as well as IHI more generally.

Together with Ionbond, IHI aims to contribute to social sustainability and produce new value from long-term perspectives by tackling social and customer issues. This is entirely in line with IHI Group management principles: we value contributing to the development of society through technology and believe that human resources are our single most valuable asset.