2023 05 30 PN equipment IB MH 1 b

The demands on forming and molding tools (FMT) are ever increasing. They need to be able to withstand higher loads, stresses, and temperatures than ever before – and they need advanced coatings to be able to do so. As a leader in surface engineering, Ionbond recognized this trend and invested in state-of-the-art plasma nitriding equipment at Ionbond Madison Heights. Now, we can offer innovative duplex coatings produced in-house. This strategic move ensures that we can deliver premium-quality coatings with unmatched performance, meeting the high service standards of our customers.

Ionbond Duplex Coatings Plasma Nitriding parts

Moving beyond conventional PVD coatings

In today's industrial landscape, maximizing productivity and ensuring excellent part quality are critical factors driving Ionbond's FMT customers. Challenging workpiece materials like advanced high-strength steels (AHSS) are becoming increasingly prevalent, and conventional heat-treated and PVD coated tools are no longer sufficient. To overcome the elevated stresses caused by thermo-mechanical cycling, duplex coatings have emerged as a very promising solution. Ionbond's duplex coatings combine plasma nitriding and PVD coating, for enhanced resistance to impact fatigue, crack formation, and wear. With these coatings, applications such as stamping DP980 and DP1180 dual-phase steel, hot forging steel, and aluminum high-pressure die casting can now be handled reliably.

Ionbond Forming Molding Portrait

Ionbond Madison Heights, our FMT Competence Center

At Ionbond Madison Heights, we offer comprehensive solutions to the FMT sector. Our customer-focused engineering team with over 50 years of experience stands ready to provide tailored coating solutions. With these innovative duplex coatings, Ionbond covers the complete manufacturing chain for FMT, including de-coating, cleaning, plasma nitriding, pre- and post-coat treatment, and PVD and PACVD coating.

Ionbond Madison Heights also provides a comprehensive range of services. With pick-up and delivery services, we eliminate worries about tool damage during transportation. We also provide sampling services and full-service tool refurbishment.

Are you interested in a duplex coating for your applications? Let us help you achieve excellent product quality and improved productivity.


Besprechen Sie Ihre Herausforderungen mit Tobias Brögelmann

Tobias Brögelmann, Globaler Segmentleiter Umformung und Formgebung, wird Sie gerne untersützen.

Wir werden uns schnellstmöglich mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen.

Broegelmann Tobias 2021

Dr. Ing. Tobias Brögelmann

Globaler Segmentleiter Umformung und Formgebung

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