Download our new whitepaper: Ionbond™ 95 for hot forging

Read our new whitepaper on coating development for closed-die forging dies. Because of its suitability for large-scale production of products with a wide weight range, this manufacturing method dominates the industry. Hot forging, like all machining processes, is subject to cost and performance constraints. Increasing the service lifetime of the dies, for example, with our Ionbond™ 95 coating for forming and molding tools, is one of the most effective ways to reduce the total cost of hot forging.

Ionbond Whitepaper Ionbond 95

The most efficient approach: extending the die’s lifetime

Closed-die forging tools are a major investment. Ionbond's coatings extend the useful lifetime of dies, increase productivity, reduce maintenance and improve the quality of the resulting products. We are continuously developing new coatings to offset the complex thermal, mechanical and tribochemical loads that dies are exposed to, and the damage that results:

  • Adhesive wear
  • Abrasive wear
  • Mechanical fatigue
  • Thermal fatigue
  • Plastic flow
Microsection Ionbond 95

Read our case studies of Ionbond™ 95 coating

Read the three closed die hot forging case studies from Ionbond customers who achieved higher productivity and part quality with the Ionbond™ 95 coating. This coating outperforms a duplex CrN coating and a CVD TiC/TiN coating, even without prior plasma nitriding of the die. Also, in the whitepaper, we will go into all these topics and the development and performance of the multilayer Ionbond™ 95 coating in much more detail. Download it today to find out more.

Furthermore our experts are looking forward to having interesting discussions with you about Ionbond™ 95 and our other coating solutions.


Ionbond™ 95: Duplex-Beschichtung für die Warmumformung

Laden Sie das Whitepaper herunter, um einen Einblick in die Ionbond 95-Duplexbeschichtung für die Warmumformung und ihre Vorteile für Ihre Umformwerkzeuganwendungen zu erhalten.

10 Seiten | 20 Minuten sinnvoll genutzt

Ionbond Forming Molding Portrait

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