Tribobond™ 41
DLC coating with superior sliding properties
Ionbond’s Tribobond™ 41 DLC a-C:H:W + a-C:H coating has been used for high volume automotive production for many years. It combines good running-in properties with a high wear resistance and very low friction. The coating is very well suited for pure sliding conditions in tribological contacts. Tribobond™ 41 exhibits excellent performance on valve train (e.g. tappets) and crank train components (e.g. piston pin/ ring). State of the art common rail and unit injector components are protected with Tribobond™ 41 DLC in order to improve the robustness and lifetime of fuel pump and fuel injection systems. Apart from automotive, multiple components of industrial machinery benefit from Tribobond™ 41 DLC through reduction of wear and friction, thus extending their lifetime and maintenance intervals. The coating shines in particular in applications with marginal lubrication and high loads.
Ionbond’s Tribobond™ 41 DLC is applied on components in order to minimize friction losses in engines and engine subsystems, such as oil/water pumps, compressors, and power steering, in order to increase the efficiency and reduce the fuel consumption in transportation. In industrial applications Tribobond™ 41 is widely used for wear applications in aerospace, oil and gas, power generation, racing and other industries.