Decobond™ Barrion Beach
Decobond™ coating with antibacterial properties
The Barrion™ Beach coating was developed to inhibit bacterial colonization and growth. The coating combines antimicrobial and antibacterial properties with high wear resistance, chemical stability and comes currently in a beach color. The properties and color makes Barrion™ Beach an ideal coating to mitigate the spread of microbes on door hardware, Kitchen and items, which are touch by the humans or were bacteria can be accumulated. Therefore the application can be in public places (Hospitals), private and business environment.
The coating's antimicrobial properties and biocompatibility were successfully tested according to ISO 22196 and ISO 10993 (parts -5, -10, -11), respectively (see figure on the left). The coating can be deposited at temperatures ranging between 70 °C and 300 °C, which allows for a variety of materials to be coated.