Coating solutions for food contact applications | Ionbond

Coatings for food contact

CoatingMaterialStructureFDA-TORThickness range [µm]Friction vs. Steel (dry)Microhardness, HVColor
Ionbond™ 01 TiNMonolayer2020-0031 - 100.52500 - 3100Gold
Ionbond™ 30 CrNMonolayer2020-0041 - 100.552100 - 3000Silver/Metallic
Ionbond™ 36 CrWCCGradient2023-0011 - 80.2800 - 1600³Deep black
Ionbond™ 40 MeDLCGradient2021-0041 - 100.21000 - 1800Grey or Black
Ionbond™ 41 DLCMultilayer2021-001¹1 - 100.12000 - 2800Black
Ionbond™ 42 DLCMultilayer2021-001²1 - 100.12100 - 3000Black
Ionbond™ 43 ADLCMultilayer2021-0011 - 50.12000 - 4000Black
Ionbond™ 60 ZrNMonolayer2022-0011 - 100.552200 - 2900Light gold
Ionbond™ 61 ZrCNGradient2022-0011 - 50.4 - 0.62500 - 3500Copper


Discuss your challenges with Ron Dielis

Ron Dielis, Global Segment Manager Food Contact a.i., will be glad to support you.

We will get back to you as soon as possible

Ron Dielis

Ron Dielis

Global Segment Manager Deco/Sports/Luxury