Coating solutions for firearms

Coating solutions for firearms

People’s lives depend on their firearms, which means they need to perform reliably. For use by law-enforcement, the military and civilians, long-lasting durability and colors are required. Ionbond delivers superior hard and wear-resistant PVD coatings in multiple colors. The slick, low-friction DLC coating service for firearms gives firearms extra dry lubrication properties for moving internal and functional part. Ionbond can provide a high quality DLC coating service for your firearms.

Firearms coatings

Certified firearm coatings

Ionbond has dedicated coating centers with industry experts that service this market and have the appropriate firearms licenses: FFL, SOT (Class 3) and ITAR Certified. DLC firearm coating service by Ionbond is used by the military, law enforcement and consumers on pistols, rifles, and shotguns. Examples of coated parts are:

  • Slides, Frames, Barrels
  • Bolt carrier groups, Bolt Actions
  • Magazines, Magazine tubes
  • Upper/lower receivers
  • Triggers, Hammers
  • Sears, Sights
  • Muzzle brakes, Choke tubes, Suppressors
  • Cannons


DLC & PACVD Coatings for Firearms

Download our factsheet about our DLC firearm coating service.

Coating solutions for firearms


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Ron Dielis

Ron Dielis

Global Segment Manager Deco/Sports/Luxury