Energy Generation

Improve the efficiency and lifetime of energy generation equipment

Renewable energy industrial
Coatings for industrial components

Coating solutions for the energy generation industry

Today’s energy generation industry includes both renewable and fossil fuel branches. Most non-solar energy-generating machinery relies on mechanical systems for transformation of one energy type into another. Reliable long-term operation of these systems is critical to maintaining stable energy supplies. In addition, minimizing friction losses in such systems improves their efficiency. The Tribobond™ family of coatings offers a range of solutions to extend longevity of mechanical components, along with friction reduction and corrosion protection when required.

Webinar - recording

Coatings Solutions for Energy Generation

Watch our webinar on Energy Generation and learn how you can improve the efficiency & lifetime of energy generation equipment with Ionbond coatings.

Hydrogen renewable energy production

Premium coatings for industrial components

Ionbond’s coating portfolio for Industrial Components is specifically designed to accommodate applications in diverse industries, including aerospace, transportation, power generation and general engineering.

Industrial Components
Microsection Tribobond 01

Tribobond™ 01

Traditional coating for a wide range of component applicationTribobond™ 01 TiN is arguably the oldest and most popular of PVD coatings. Aesthetically pleasing gold color and …
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Industrial Components
Microsection Tribobond 15

Tribobond™ 15

Wear resistance coating for high temperature applicationsIonbond’s Tribobond™ 15 TiAlCrN coating possesses an impressive combination of properties; high hardness, excellent t…
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Industrial Components
Microsection Tribobond 15

Tribobond™ 20

Wear resistance coating for high temperature applicationsIonbond’s Tribobond™  20 AlTiN coating is designed to provide wear and oxidation protection at temperatures of up to …
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Industrial Components
Microsection Tribobond 30

Tribobond™ 30

High temperature resistant coating with excellent toughnessTribobond™ 30 CrN has a good combination of properties; high hardness, excellent toughness, high wear and impact fa…
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Industrial Components
Microsection Tribobond 31

Tribobond™ 31

Low stress wear resistant coating with smooth surfaceSub-stoichiometric Tribobond™ 31 Cr2N  features  lower  residual  stress  than  many  other  coatings from the Tribobond™…
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Industrial Components
Industrial components coating solutions | Ionbond

Tribobond™ 34

Wear resistant coating with a top oxide layerTribobond™ 34 CrON features standard CrN coating with a top layer of CrON. Presence of the oxide film on the surface adds additio…
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Industrial Components
Microsection Tribobond 40

Tribobond™ 40

DLC-based coating for highly loaded industrial and automotive componentsIonbond’s Tribobond™ 40 DLC, also designated as a-C:H:W, is one of the widely used coatings for indust…
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Industrial Components
Piston Pin coating

Tribobond™ 41

DLC coating with superior sliding propertiesIonbond’s Tribobond™ 41 DLC a-C:H:W + a-C:H coating has been used for high volume automotive production for many years. It combine…
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Industrial Components
Microsection Tribobond 42

Tribobond™ 42

DLC coating for highly loaded industrial components and high volume automotive applicationsIonbond’s Tribobond™ 42 DLC, CrN + a-C:H, coating is engineered for very highly loa…
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Industrial Components
ADLC coated application

Tribobond™ 43

DLC coating for industrial components with unique propertiesIonbond’s Tribobond™ 43 DLC (a-C:H) is a pure DLC coating,  which is widely used for boosting performance of tools…
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Industrial Components
Microsection Tribobond 46

Tribobond™ 46

DLC coating for highly loaded applications with rolling contactsIonbond’s Tribobond™ 46 DLC, CrN + a-C:H:W has a top layer similar to Tribobond™ 40; however it is deposited o…
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Industrial Components
Piston Pins coating service

Tribobond™ 48

Hydrogen-free DLC coating for high temperature applicationsTribobond™ 48 ta-C is a hydrogen-free DLC coating with an increased temperature resistance of up to 400 °C compared…
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Industrial Components
Piston Pins coating service

Tribobond™ 55

Special coating for vacuum and dry environmentsTribobond™ 55 is a specialty coating, which was developed to address tribological applications in dry environments, such as dry…
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Industrial Components
Industrial components coating solutions | Ionbond

Tribobond™ 66

Corrosion resistant aluminium coatingAluminum coatings offer remarkable improvement in corrosion resistance. In this case, the coating acts as a sacrificial anode in galvanic…
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Industrial Components
Microsection Ionbond CVD IC

Ionbond™ CVD

Ionbond™ CVD Coatings for Components ApplicationsOne of the limitations of the PVD and PACVD technologies is their inability to promote coatings into inner surfaces, like hol…
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Borehole pumps

Oil & Gas

Oil and gas are produced and transported under challenging environmental conditions. The presence of abrasive particulate, corrosive media, extreme sub-sea pressures – these are just a few of the challenges that are commonplace in this industry. These operating conditions expose mechanical components to various wear problems (such as erosion, abrasion, fretting and galling) and corrosion.

Tribobond™ and Ionbond™ PVD and CVD coatings are engineered to cope with these conditions and add a safety margin for the reliable operation of equipment and components for downhole and on- and offshore oil production.

Rotor steam turbine

Steam & Gas Turbine energy coatings

Industrial gas and steam turbines (IGT and IST) are the workhorses of power generation plants. Turbine performance depends on energy conversion efficiency and the ability to continuously operate with minimal planned or unplanned downtime. IHI Ionbond offers multiple solutions aimed at improving the performance and reliability of gas turbine operations. In addition to selected coatings from the Tribobond™ portfolio, Ionbond offers laser treatment for gas turbine coating blades, as well as Ionbond™-aluminizing for the hot section of IGTs.

Gears and pinions

Wind power energy

Wind turbines are exposed to heavy mechanical loads and challenging environmental conditions, including alternating temperatures, humidity and exposure to sea mist. Wind turbine bearings and gearboxes are engineered to provide decades-long operation with only minimal servicing. Tribobond™ coatings reduce the negative impact of contact fatigue phenomena, which allows for a substantial boost of  reliability of windmill operation and an extension of maintenance intervals. In addition, the low-friction Tribobond™ coatings reduce the momentum required to start up a turbine under light wind conditions.

Hydrogen renewable energy production

Energy Storage Systems

The world’s increasing reliance on wind and solar energies also increased the need for possibilities to store generated energy, because consumption and generation levels can vary dramatically over time and cannot easily be managed.

Most modern storage systems, apart from batteries, use some sort of mechanical device to accumulate or deliver energy. In a flywheel system, for example, a rotating mechanical device stores rotational energy. Pumped hydro storage requires efficient pumps to propel large amounts of water. Even thermal energy storage systems ultimately rely on mechanical devices to recuperate stored electrical power.


Discuss your challenges with Val Lieberman

Dr. Val Lieberman, Global Segment Manager Industrial Components, will be glad to support you.

We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Val Lieberman

Dr. Val Lieberman

Global Segment Manager Industrial Components