Tribobond™ 51/52/54 – Wear resistance for highly corrosive environments

Modern machinery, with its intricate demands for precision and reliability amid cost pressures, faces challenges. Coatings that provide both corrosion and wear protection are scarce. Read on for insights into innovative solutions addressing this critical gap.

Ionbond Industrial Portrait

Coatings for challenging wear applications

Modern machinery is increasingly complex, placing high demands on precision and reliability. At the same time, cost pressures are very high. This creates massive challenges for machine components. To reach these demands, there is an important role for coatings that can provide corrosion protection, wear protection or friction reduction. However, coatings that combine these properties are rare. They usually shine in only one area: either wear or corrosion.

Table Tribobond 51 52 54

Recognizing that problem, Ionbond engineers went to the drawing board with the idea to create specialty coatings that combine corrosion resistance and suitability for challenging wear applications. This resulted in the addition of the Ionbond Tribobond™ 51, 52 and 54 coatings to Ionbond’s portfolio.

These coatings are produced using pure plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition (PACVD) without adding a metallic underlayer made by physical vapor deposition (PVD). In corrosion-sensitive applications, a PVD underlayer could be detrimental. However, simply skipping an underlayer can lead to poor adhesion of amorphous carbon or silicon films, which are the main functional layers of the new Tribobond™ coatings. For this reason, a special technique was developed to promote adequate adhesion of these films without metallic underlayers.

Contact Ionbond for your application!

Does your application include wear components that operate in corrosive environments, such as components of pumps and valves in the chemical, oil and gas, semiconductor, aerospace, and other industries? Then your components will likely benefit from the new Tribobond™ 51, 52 or 54 coatings.

Contact Ionbond through our contact form below. Our experts would be happy to discuss your applications and recommend suitable solutions.


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Microsection Tribobond 01

Tribobond™ 01

机械部件大范围应用的常规涂层Tribobond™ 01 TiN可以说是最古老和最流行的PVD涂层。赏心悦目的金色和出色的机械性能使该涂层成为广泛的应用和行业的最终通用涂层。Tribobond™ 01 TiN能有效地防止磨料磨损、咬合和摩擦,并被用于许多工业机械部件。由于其特有的黄色,Tribobond™ 01有时也被用作磨损指示涂层。
Microsection Tribobond 15

Tribobond™ 15

高温应用的抗磨损涂层爱恩邦德的Tribobond™ 15 TiAlCrN涂层具有令人印象深刻的性能组合;高硬度、优秀的韧性和高冲击疲劳耐磨性。Tribobond™ 15还具有高温稳定性,这使得它成为高温应用的最佳选择,如涡轮增压器的部件、活塞环和钛合金部件,如发动机阀门和其他高温暴露的部件。Tribobond™ 15 TiAlCrN在正常和高温下…
Microsection Tribobond 15

Tribobond™ 20

高温应用的耐磨涂层爱恩邦德的Tribobond™ 20 AlTiN涂层设计用于在高达850℃的温度下提供磨损和氧化保护。 它拥有令人印象深刻的性能组合:高硬度、优秀的韧性和抗冲击疲劳磨损。尽管它的硬度很高,但Tribobond™ 20具有相当的延展性,这使得它在硬颗粒侵蚀的应用中表现出色(例如,用于保护喷气发动机的压缩机叶片)。其他高温应用,如涡…
Microsection Tribobond 30

Tribobond™ 30

具有优良韧性的耐高温涂层Tribobond™ 30 CrN具有良好的性能组合;高硬度、出色的韧性、高耐磨性和抗冲击疲劳性。Tribobond™ 30能抵抗高达700ºC的氧化,使其成为高温应用的良好候选者。它的特点是比许多其他涂层的残余应力低,允许沉积更厚的涂层。CrN可以在低温下沉积,这使得它在对温度敏感的基材上具有不可替代性。Tribobon…
Microsection Tribobond 31

Tribobond™ 31

低应力耐磨涂层,表面光滑与Tribobond™组合中的许多其他涂层(包括CrN)相比,亚吉祥度的Tribobond™ 31 Cr2N具有更低的残余应力。由于该涂层是通过溅射法生产的,它的粗糙度通常比阴极电弧涂层低。这种涂层的结晶结构使其具有优良的抛光性能。Tribobond™ 31 Cr2N还表现出较低的表面能,使这种涂层更疏水性。一般来说,Tr…
Ionbond Industrial Portrait

Tribobond™ 34

带有顶部氧化层的耐磨涂层Tribobond™ 34 CrON具有标准的CrN涂层和CrON顶层。表面的氧化膜的存在为涂层增加了额外的功能。其中包括减少对非金属材料的亲和力,如弹性密封件和部件,在某些润滑条件下降低摩擦,防粘连,提高对粘滑现象和某些腐蚀环境的抵抗力。主层和氧化层是在一个涂层周期内产生的,因此不需要额外的加工。
Microsection Tribobond 40

Tribobond™ 40

用于高负荷工业和汽车部件的DLC涂层爱恩邦德的Tribobond™ 40 DLC,也被指定为a-C:H:W,是广泛用于工业和汽车零部件的涂层之一。它本质上是一种含有分散的碳化钨(WC)纳米颗粒的DLC涂层。该涂层专门设计用于在滚动和滑动接触中具有高接触负荷的应用,如齿轮和轴承。它将出色的磨合性能与良好的耐磨性和低摩擦结合起来。此外,该涂层还能减少…
Piston Pin coating

Tribobond™ 41

具有卓越滑动性能的DLC涂层爱恩邦德的Tribobond™ 41 DLC a-C:H:W + a-C:H涂层已被用于大批量汽车生产多年。 它结合了良好的磨合性能、高耐磨性和非常低的摩擦。 该涂层非常适用于摩擦学接触中的纯滑动条件。 Tribobond™ 41在气门机构(如挺杆)和曲轴机构部件(如活塞销/活塞环)上表现出卓越的性能。最先进的共轨和单…
Microsection Tribobond 42

Tribobond™ 42

用于高负荷工业部件和大批量汽车应用的DLC涂层爱恩邦德的Tribobond™ 42 DLC, CrN + a-C:H涂层是为高负荷部件设计的。它结合了高承载能力、抗疲劳性和高耐磨性,并且仍然表现出非常低的摩擦性能。Tribobond™ 42 DLC在气门机构(如挺杆)和曲轴机构部件(如活塞销/活塞环)上表现出卓越的性能。最先进的共轨和单元喷油器部…
ADLC coated application

Tribobond™ 43

用于工业部件的DLC涂层具有独特的性能爱恩邦德的Tribobond™ 43 DLC(a-C:H)是一种纯DLC涂层,它被广泛用于提高工具和各种精密部件的性能。根据不同的应用,这种涂层可以用Cr或Si基底层生产。在这两种情况下,Tribobond™ 43都能提供出色的磨损保护和减少摩擦,而硅基底层也能增加出色的腐蚀保护。Tribobond™ 43拥…
Microsection Tribobond 46

Tribobond™ 46

用于滚动接触的高负载应用的DLC涂层爱恩邦德的Tribobond™ 46 DLC, CrN + a-C:H:W的顶层与Tribobond™ 40相似;但它是沉积在CrN底层,而不是纯Cr.T.。CrN的高硬度及其承载能力可以为a-C:H:W功能层提供额外的支持,并且在a-C:H:W被磨损的情况下充当备用耐磨层。因此,Tribobond™46可以承…
Piston Pins coating service

Tribobond™ 48

用于高温应用的无氢DLC涂层Tribobond™ 48 ta-C是一种无氢DLC涂层,其耐温性能提高到400°C,而氢化DLC涂层为250°C。因此,典型的应用包括高负荷的机械部件,这进一步得益于涂层的耐磨性提高和摩擦系数降低。该涂层还表现出对油、汽油和柴油燃料的更好的润湿性。Tribobond™ 48 ta-C已在气门机构(如挺杆)和曲轴机构(…
Piston Pins coating service

Tribobond™ 55

用于疫苗和干燥环境的特殊涂层Tribobond™ 55是一种特殊涂层,它是为解决干燥环境下的摩擦学应用而开发的,如干燥气体或真空。常规的类金刚石(DLC)涂层,如Tribobond™ 41/42/43在这种条件下表现不佳,因为它们需要湿度来形成润滑层并减少摩擦。Tribobond™ 55是专门为克服这种限制而设计的,它通过修改DLC功能层的结构/…
Ionbond Industrial Portrait

Tribobond™ 66

Microsection Ionbond CVD IC

Ionbond™ CVD

Ionbond™ CVD Coatings for Components ApplicationsOne of the limitations of the PVD and PACVD technologies is their inability to promote coatings into inner surfaces, like hol…


1080x1080px IZB Automotive Design

PVD for high-quality automotive design – a growing trend

More and more automotive designers are looking to physical vapor deposition (PVD) coatings to give their car interiors and exteriors an exclusive esthetic. PVD coatings are thin, durable, scratch and wear resistant, and have a premium look and feel. Ionbond is working with high-end car brands to deliver the optimum coating solution for their unique designs. Want to hear more about what we’re doing in this area? Come talk to us at IZB in Wolfsburg, 22-24 October 2024.

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Watch our new corporate video!

At Ionbond, we are proud of what we have achieved. We have over 30 coating centers around the world, a fleet of high-tech coating machines and a wide range of proven, innovative PVD, CVD and PACVD coatings. More than that, we are proud to offer the largest network of surface engineers, ready to provide local support to our customers everywhere.

Ionbond Fabtech 2024

Ionbond visiting FABTECH in October!

Join us at our boothS30103 in Orlando, Florida (USA), from October 15 to 17 for the 2024 edition of FABTECH, North America’s largest trade show for metal forming and fabricating. We’re looking forward to showing our premium performance coatings for forming metals and non-ferrous metals, aluminum die casting as well as our developments in plasma nitriding for duplex coatings. In addition, we’d love to hear about your current projects and challenges in forming and molding.

Ionbond Whitepaper AC Hydrogen Applications 2024 No Text

New! Whitepaper on coating development for a hydrogen application

We are proud to present our whitepaper on developing coating solutions for components used in hydrogen, for instance in a hydrogen internal combustion engine. This is a lesser-known application of hydrogen technology for mobility – compared to the more well-known hydrogen fuel cells – yet with strong potential for specific applications such as long haul trucks and heavy duty construction vehicles. The whitepaper is available for download now! Let’s start with a little preview of what it covers.

World Globe

Ionbond’s technological developments in cutting tool coatings in the USA

We’ve got several interesting pieces of news for cutting tool manufacturers in North and Latin America! With new technology in the Ionbond coating center in Duncan (South Carolina), it will be the second USA coating center after Madison Heights (Michigan) to offer the recently developed universal AuroraX Plus coating. In addition, both coating centers offer many of the other Ionbond Premium Plus PVD coatings, such as Tetrabond Plus, Hardcut Plus, Crosscut Plus and Maximizer Plus. Finally our coating center in Cleveland (Ohio) is expanding capacity with the installation of state-of-the-art CVD technology by the end of 2024.

Duplex Coatings Web Banner

Join the Ionbond Summer School about Duplex Coatings

We are excited to launch the first Ionbond Summer School program on Duplex Coatings. Discover and learn more about how to boost the performance of your forming application with duplex coatings and plasma nitriding in 5 insightfull lessons.

Environmental awareness

PVD coating solutions for hard chrome and PFAS replacement

Looking for non-toxic alternatives for hard chrome plating and PTFE coatings?

So have we! At Ionbond, we have developed PVD recipes that can provide a viable alternative to these common coatings, even in highly regulated industries like the aerospace sector. Sounds interesting? Read our article and let’s meet up at the Farnborough International Airshow to discuss your application.

Turbine blades gradient

Ionbond's Advanced Coating Solutions for the Aerospace Industry

As a leader in surface enhancement technology, Ionbond continues to set benchmarks in the aerospace sector with its innovative coating solutions. Our participation in prominent events such as the Farnborough International Airshow underscores our commitment to advancing aerospace technology.

Ionbond new whitepaper deco low temp

NEW Whitepaper: Decorative PVD Coatings for low temperature on plastics

In the realm of product manufacturing, the quest for both aesthetic appeal and durability often leads to a common dilemma: how to make plastic components look more luxurious and stand up to the rigours of daily use. This is where the innovative use of Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) coatings offers a solution that enhances both the visual and functional quality of plastic parts across various industries.
