Corporate governance
Ionbond’s goal is to deliver on our customers’ needs in a sustainable and ethical way and places an emphasis on legal and environmental compliance in all of its operations.
The personal integrity and responsibility of the staff is paramount to Ionbond achieving its long-term goals and is at the heart of our “zero tolerance” approach to ethical standards within the company. Adherence to all local and international laws and our Code of Conduct is required of all Ionbond employees and agents representing the company. Ionbond, though operationally headquartered in Switzerland, has a UK based parent and therefore operates under the UK Bribery Act of 2010, one of the most stringent policies in the world.

As Ionbond is trading out of 15 countries worldwide with drastically different local cultures and customs it is imperative that the company maintains a consistent approach to corporate governance. As a result Ionbond regularly performs internal audits in partnership with an international auditing firm throughout its network to ensure compliance. We encourage our employees to speak up about any potential ethical concerns within the company directly to their HR departments, to the CEO or the Chairman of the Board.
Proper and ethical business practices requires partners throughout the supply chain to work together, and Ionbond looks to work with both suppliers and customers that share these same values. We believe in creating long-term partnerships with both our suppliers and customers and these partnerships must have a sound and ethical base if they are to succeed. Ionbond seeks to work with companies with the same commitment to ethical behavior and expect it from their employees and representatives.